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Exploring Business Opportunities - The 7 Question Test to Determine If an Idea is a Winner
By Matt D Hamilton
Before jumping into a new business opportunity, how do you decide if the idea is a good one for you and your current situation? If you are like me, I'm sure you've found yourself quickly going down the wrong path on more than one occasion. As entrepreneurs, and people chasing income streams, trying new things is in our blood.

How Come I'm the Only One Who Gets What I'm Doing?
By Andrea Costantine
Do you ever feel like you are the only one who gets the work you are doing? Do you have trouble explaining what you do so that people understand and feel compelled to take action?

Famous Entrepreneurs - They Once Struggled Just Like You to Become Successful in Business
By Anthony Thompson
If you were to ask a few people if they wanted to become entrepreneurs, it is very likely that most of them will tell you that it's their dream. However, it can take years of arduous labor, mental toughness, emotional resolve, and a busload of disappointments. Some of the most famous entrepreneurs have had some of the worse struggles that the human mind can imagine.

5 Timesaving Tips to Get More Done in Your Day
By Jennifer Salie
Have you ever worked hard all day long only to realize at the end of the day that you didn't accomplish much of what you set out to do? This is a sign that you may need to brush up on your time management skills.

Build a Business That's Sellable!
By Dick Stieglitz
A business owner approached me at a networking breakfast and asked how he could sell his business. Over night, I researched the web for information about his company, but didn't find a website for the company.

Is This the Right Time to Start a Business?
By Cherryl Hanson-
 Is it advisable to begin a business in the middle of a recession? Are there any industries that might be less vulnerable at this time? More>>>

How to Use Market Knowledge to Sell Better
By Janice Lawrence
A market perspective helps you at every step of the sales cycle. Market knowledge can help you find emerging opportunities, build value and compete more effectively. More>>>

The Pros and Cons of Being a Green Business
By Stefan Doering
Recently I've met with a couple of green businesses, at opposite ends of the spectrum. The first one is a manufacturing company making all-natural chemical cleaning products for commercial use. For the past several years they have had an annual sales growth of over 100%. More>>>

Smart Women Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Lot From the Olympics
By Joy Chudacoff
I found the Winter Olympic Sports exciting and I'm in awe of the skill and determination of the athletes. As I watched the closing ceremonies and listened to interviews with those athletes who were taking home the "gold," I was reminded how Smart Women entrepreneurs could learn a lot from Olympic athletes.




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