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Smart Women Entrepreneurs Can Learn a Lot From the Olympics

By Joy Chudacoff

Over the past few weeks, I've enjoyed watching the Winter Olympics with my family. I find the Winter Olympic Sports exciting and I'm in awe of the skill and determination of the athletes. As I watched the closing ceremonies and listened to interviews with those athletes who were taking home the "gold," I was reminded how Smart Women entrepreneurs could learn a lot from Olympic athletes.

If you're passionate about growing your business, then I know you're always looking for better, more effective ways to succeed. Women entrepreneurs live in the question of "Is this the best way?" "Will this idea work?" "How do I know?" I've been there many times. Being a solo-entrepreneur is one of the best decisions I've made in my life; it's also one of the most challenging. I think this is how Olympic athletes must feel at times. They have a passion for their sport and are dedicated to representing their country. It's likely the most challenging thing they've ever done in their life.

While listening to the interviews with the athletes, I heard 4 common "threads" that seemed to weave their way through the athletes comments. I think Smart Women could use these 4 common "threads" to weave more success into their business. Here they are:

1. Visualize Your Success - In one interview after another, the athletes shared how they use "visualization" to achieve their goals. They burn an image into their mind about crossing the finish line or standing on the podium receiving the "gold." What is it that you would like to accomplish in your business? Can you see it? Can you feel it? One woman I worked with had a goal to speak in front of a large audience. We worked on visualizing every detail of the event, down to the jewelry that she'd be wearing so that she could see it becoming a reality.

2. Hire a Coach - Every athlete at the Olympics had a coach to help them navigate the event and stay mentally prepared. You can accomplish just about anything you want in life but you can't do it by yourself. Successful people, whether they are entrepreneurs or Olympic athletes understand this and always have at least one coach along the journey. If you are in a place where you feel like you're not growing as fast or as effective as you'd like, consider hiring a coach to help you jumpstart your goals this year.

3. Practice Daily, Weekly, Monthly - When I watched the clip from Apollo Ohno's short track speed skating training schedule, (he's the most decorated Winter Olympic Athlete of all time currently with 8 medals) I was in awe of his methodical schedule that he created in order to show up in Vancouver at his personal best. He is driven and determined. Do you practice personal best habits daily, weekly and monthly? Do you have a desire to be at your personal best when you work with your clients and customers? It's actually not that difficult. One attribute of being your personal best is arriving on time and being prepared for meetings.

4. Rid Yourself of Obstacles - Many of the athletes shared that they made conscious decisions to eliminate obstacles from their life that might keep them from accomplishing their goal. As a Smart Woman entrepreneur, you need to be mindful of your "environment" at all times. The area in which you live and work needs to support your vision. The people in your life need to be nutritious. These are people who champion you along the way. Rid yourself of toxic people and environments that might keep you from reaching your goals.

As I watched the Winter Olympics with my family, there were times when the athletes almost looked super human-accomplishing something that seemed out of reach. When I review the 4 common "threads" that were repeated time and time again in the interview's, I realized it's about putting a manageable plan together and working the plan daily, weekly and monthly. I'm ready to "go for the gold!" Are you?

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.


About the Author:

© 2010 Joy Chudacoff. Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions(tm), a Professional Certified Coach to 1000's of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you're ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, FREE Report and FREE MP3 now at Profits With Passion.




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