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Does Your Small Business Have a Story?
By Caterina Christakos
Think of all the major companies-especially tech firms-that have had success over the last decade or so. The one thing they all have in common is that they have compelling stories. Companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon have all had books written about them, and these back stories create a mystique that not only builds hype but also makes people want to work with them.   More>>>

How to Find Success in Business, No Matter What Business You Are In
By Marilyn Bontempo
After thirty-five years I've come to realize a few truths about what brings success in business. Regardless of what business you are in, if you give the clients what they want, the clients will be happy. And happy clients come back and refer other clients to you.  More>>>

10 Ways Google Can Make Or Save Your Business Money
By Adam Hoeksema
Google offers so much more than a search engine today. There are already dozens of valuable apps that you can utilize to make or save your business money. In no particular order here are 10 of Google's best offerings. More>>> 

Are You A Time Junkie?
By Andrea Feinberg
You find yourself running around, with never enough time to get everything done. Your to-do list is a mile long and seemingly getting longer by the minute. You end each day wondering why almost everything you planned to do still needs your attention and you wonder 'what the heck did I accomplish today?'  More>>>

Learn the Secrets of Internet Millionaires
By Dan C Johnson
Internet Millionaires don't rely on pure luck in order to acquire their wealth or success. They understand the keys to success and If you can duplicate these keys you can easily start and run your own internet business. Internet millionaires seem to use two types of external and internal ideas in order to acquire their wealth. More>>>

WordPress Is the Ideal Platform for Small Business Websites - Here Are 5 Reasons Why
By Chris Cree
I've long been an advocate of using WordPress for small business websites for lots of reasons and with the recent addition of custom post types and fully customizable navigation menus, WordPress has grown to a full-fledged Content Management System.

Ways to Advertise Businesses For Free
By Jan Smith

The most underused way of advertising a business is to talk about it to family and friends. Most business people don't talk about their business to family and friends very much simply because they feel that their family/friends might feel 'obliged' to use their services or buy from them.  More>>>

Your Customers Are Your Most Valuable Asset - Treat Them Right!
By Josh Hinds
It has been said that on average a happy customer or client will share their experience with three other people, while a negative experience will be retold upwards of 6 to 7 times.  More>>>

 Power of One - How One Customer Can Make All the Difference
By Christi Brooks
My 7 year old daughter decided to open up her own business. She has had 7 separate businesses already. She loves to come up with new ways to make money. She has sold everything from pictures she has drawn to rocks from the driveway.  More>>>

A Notebook is a Tool For Creativity
By Corwin Hiebert

I carry a notebook around with me EVERYWHERE. I've forgotten my wallet, my keys, my cell phone, but I've never forgotten my notebook. It's not a journal, it's a notebook. I write things of a more personal nature from time to time but really I treat my notebook more like an Etch a Sketch. I don't take it to seriously. I use it for brainstorming sessions, business planning, checklist making, remembering measurements for the next Ikea run, drawing useless diagrams, taking minutes, and rambling about stuff I'll never read again. More >>>



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