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5 Timesaving Tips to Get More Done in Your Day

By Jennifer Salie

Have you ever worked hard all day long only to realize at the end of the day that you didn't accomplish much of what you set out to do? This is a sign that you may need to brush up on your time management skills. Read on for five tips to help you get more done in your day.

Get organized. Everything in your workspace needs to be organized and in a designated place. This means all your papers, files, pens, paperclips and other supplies and equipment should be in an easily accessible central area. A lot of time is wasted throughout the day searching for important papers and supplies. By having everything you need organized and within reach; you can spend that time on income producing activities instead.
Set time blocks for tasks. There are certain tasks that may be necessary for you to take care of in your business, but can be a real time waster if you let them. This is where setting aside time blocks will help you. For example, a huge time waster for many business owners is email. While it is important to read and respond to client emails, they don't expect an answer in five minutes every time. Decide to check emails at certain times of the day and only check them at those times. This will allow you to focus on your current project before getting distracted by another one.
Develop clear goals for your business. Think about what you want to accomplish for yourself and your business and make sure your actions support that goal. When starting a new project, make sure it is taking you closer to accomplishing your goals. For example, if your goal is to sign a new client by the end of the week, make sure you spend your time on activities that will make that happen. Ask current clients for referrals or contact a new prospect. This is not the time to get lost in emails. If there is something that must be done that doesn't support your goal, delegate to someone else if possible.
Prioritize your day. You can't do everything by yourself in one day. Spend some time at the beginning of the day or the end of the previous day to list everything that needs to be done. Rank every task in order of importance. Once you know what the most important tasks are, you can focus the majority of your time on them. Postpone the less important tasks to another day or delegate them to someone else to handle. There may even be tasks that you realize aren't even necessary and can be eliminated.
Learn to say no. The next time someone asks you to do something, consider if it is a good use of your time. If it doesn't support your goals or is something that could be handled easily by someone else, don't feel guilty saying no. If you don't set boundaries and respect your time, no one else will respect it either.

Time management is a struggle for many business owners, but implementing a few simple switches like these will help you to be more productive and less stressed.

Jennifer Salie, owner of Superior Collaborations, works with busy entrepreneurs who want to grow their business by building an online presence. As a result of working with Jennifer, her clients enjoy an increase in their client base and more time to serve and interact with their clients.


About the Author:

You can learn more about building an online presence for your business by signing up for Jennifer's free e-course designed for the busy entrepreneur, "5 Quick Tips for Building an Online Presence" at http://www.superiorcollaborations.com.




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