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How Come I'm the Only One Who Gets What I'm Doing?

By Andrea Costantine

Do you ever feel like you are the only one who gets the work you are doing? Do you have trouble explaining what you do so that people understand and feel compelled to take action? Well, you are not alone. This is a common thing that I hear from many entrepreneurs. They love the work they are doing, they are extremely passionate about it, yet people aren't necessarily seeing the value of it - and I know there is great value you there.

Here are a few things to think about if this is happening to you, and how you can start to turn this around.

First, focus on one main aspect of your business. This could also become your niche - scary word, I know, but not once you get WHY you should niche. We all do many things in our business, but generally there is an overall theme, a specific person, or specific result that we yield - this one thing can and should become your niche. I know, you are already saying "but I can do all these other things and I don't want to give that up." And you don't have to - I promise. The sole reason you need a niche is to make your job marketing what you do easier. That's it. It doesn't mean you cannot do all the other wonderful things in your business, because you still will even after you select and stick with a specific niche. The niche just makes you an expert in one area and it this allows people to recognize that you are their solution.

Second, focus on the benefits not the features. I cannot stress enough how important it is to talk about what you REALLY do for people and I promise, it isn't your title. Yet, so many people make the mistake of talking about their title. I'm a coach, hypnotherapist, massage therapist. You are right - that is what you do as in the method of "how" you do it. But people don't need to know how you do it, until they first know that they can use your services. Benefits can be anything from healing people of chronic pain, helping your clients change careers, allowing people to look and feel their best so they can confidently go out and market their business.

Lastly, think like your clients. Listen to how your clients speak about their problems and issues and what they are looking for. We often use our language of what we think our clients want, but a few simple shifts in speaking like your clients can do wonders for your marketing and having people really "get" what you do. The next time you speak to a potential client listen to the words they use to describe what's going on in their life/business.

For example, say I'm offering a membership program. We meet twice a month, you get buddy coaching, weekly affirmations, mediations and more (my prosperity circle)....sounds okay right? But what if I said I have a group that will change the way you think about abundance and prosperity and will help you start attracting more money through a deeper understanding of spiritual laws and principles. Hmmm, what sounds better to you? You see, the method isn't important until you know the results.


About the Author:

Andrea Costantine is the ConsciousPreneur Connection Specialist. Visit http://www.andreacostantine.com for your FREE ConsciousPreneur Kit and to find powerful resources to easily and effortlessly grow your business.




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