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10 Ways Google Can Make Or Save Your Business Money

By Adam Hoeksema

Google offers so much more than a search engine today. There are already dozens of valuable apps that you can utilize to make or save your business money. In no particular order here are 10 of Google's best offerings.

Google Voice - This new application is a game-changer. It allows you to have one phone number for all of your phones. No more will you need a home phone number, office phone number and a cell phone number. Additionally you can now make phone calls online with Google voice. Don't ask how it works, it just does.

Patent Search - For technology based businesses considering patenting a new product or process you should utilize Google's patent search tool.

Google Books - As an entrepreneur you may be looking to read some of the small business owner favorites like "The Art of the Start" by Guy Kawasaki or "The 4 Hour Work Week." Believe it or not you won't need to buy the book or even drive to the library. Access these bestsellers for free on Google Books.

Google Docs - This is a big one. Forget paying for Microsoft Office, just used Google documents which provides you a free version of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. You also don't have to save documents on your own hard drive because Google will allow you to save documents in the cloud for free.

Gmail - Many of you probably already use gmail, but did you know that you can even use gmail and create an email address with the name of your business? For instance, you could create an email address with

yourname @ yourbusiness. cominstead of yourname @ gmail .com

Google Checkout - You can install Google Checkout to your website and allow visitors to purchase products and services quickly and easily on your site.

Google AdWords - This is the heart of Google. AdWords allows Google to offer all these other services for free. Use a Google AdWords campaign and carefully selected keywords to drive traffic to your site.

Google Analytics - This free website analytics service allows you to determine the performance of your website. You can easily determine which campaigns were successful and which campaigns were simply a waste of time. Learn where you traffic is coming from so that you can better focus your time and resources on what works.

YouTube - Google also owns YouTube which could provide your small business with another way in which to communicate your message, but more than likely it will serve as a employee morale booster. Send links to funny YouTube videos to your employees in high spirits, but don't let it get out of hand because you could end up spending hours on YouTube before you know it.

Google Sites - You can actually build a site that you might choose to use for a client project. For instance, create a site that will allow you to keep your clients up to date on the progress of a project and allow your employees to collaborate on the project all through the website. You can control the privacy settings so that only those you specify can view the site. A great productivity tool.

These 10 Google applications could transform your cash guzzling business into a lean mean and efficient machine. Make sure to take some time and visit http://www.google.com/intl/en/options/ to view all of Google's applications and tools.



 My name is Adam Hoeksema. I am the Client Services Manager at a technology based small business incubator. If you are working on an executive summary for your business plan, make sure to go to my website at http://www.theexecutiveplan.com and download my special report on how to write a powerful executive summary.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Hoeksema




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