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Does Your Small Business Have a Story?

By Caterina Christakos

Think of all the major companies-especially tech firms-that have had success over the last decade or so. The one thing they all have in common is that they have compelling stories. Companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon have all had books written about them, and these back stories create a mystique that not only builds hype but also makes people want to work with them. Sure, the stories can take negative twists at times-as with Facebook's privacy-related controversies or Google's turn away from their "Don't be evil" slogan-but their stories nevertheless boost their legitimacy and contribute to their standing as leaders of the pack.

Finding your story
In all likelihood, there is a good story behind your business. It could be that because you're in the middle of the story and are obviously personally involved in it, you just don't recognize what it is. But as you're developing your marketing plan, take some time to contemplate your business and to put together a story that people will find interesting. Of course, you don't want to make anything up, but what you can do is emphasize the details that make the narrative more dramatic.

Having a story can help your small business in numerous ways, including:

It can make your business one of the more memorable players in a competitive field.

It can show that you have real devotion to what you do and that your business is has real, experienced-based values.

It can help provide a theme for your branding.

It can be a conversation starter when you're interacting with your potential customers and clients, and it can help you make personal connections.

It shows that you are one of the few true visionaries in your field.

Telling your story
Once you begin to have an idea of what your business's story is, it can help give clarity to everything you do. In fact, for you personally it may become more than just a marketing tool. Once you make yourself aware of your narrative, it can actually boost your motivation and make you feel more driven than ever to create a triumphant conclusion to your story.

If you're ready to start putting your small business's story out there, here are some things you can do to make your company stand out from the pack:

Make an about page on your website that tells your story in a clear way. Make sure the about page is easy for casual visitors to find.

Wherever appropriate, make references to your story in your other communication and marketing materials. Of course, you don't want to overdo it, but wherever it's relevant to other things that you are saying, don't be afraid to work in a remark that refers to your narrative.

Know the meaning of your story. Think carefully about how it will be perceived by your readers, and be honest about what it means to you. Like any good story, there will be elements that are symbolic and characters that are inspiring. Make sure you have all these things worked out as you're preparing your marketing materials.

Caterina Christakos is a published author and reviewer. Learn about her top choice of online small business mentor programs or start your shopping early at her Christmas ornaments store. Learn how your personal story can boost your small business. Also learn where to tell your story to boost your reputation and your business.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Caterina_Christakos



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